Holidays are a time to give thanks for all that you have, and what better way to do that than by giving back to those around you? Here are some ways to get involved this holiday season with local organizations.
SafeHaven of Tarrant County
SafeHaven, is the only state-designated family violence center in Tarrant County.
Holiday Volunteering – mrichter@safehaventc.org
- Seasonal Volunteers spread the cheer of the season at their winter holiday gift drives! Volunteers will sort gift donations, greet donors and help wrap gifts for families in the shelter.
- Emergency Shelter volunteers assist staff in providing immediate needs to clients. Volunteers at the shelter often sort donations, help clients find clothing and other essentials at their shelter store and more!
- Children’s Advocates provide care and support to children staying in SafeHaven shelters by assisting staff with age-appropriate activities. Children’s advocates often help kids with homework and provide after-school activities, such as crafts, game nights, etc.
Berry Good Buys Volunteering – lzehentbauer@safehaventc.org
- BGB volunteers assist staff by sorting, sizing, and pricing donations. They also help greet shoppers and donors at the store.
Union Gospel Mission

Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County is dedicated to providing love, hope, respect and a new beginning for people experiencing homeless. They strive to end homelessness one person at time.
- Kitchen & Dining – Assist the kitchen staff in preparing and serving meals. Volunteer opportunities for food service are 7 days a week, 3 meals a day; sack lunches are also needed for residents and guests of the Mission.
- Warehouse – UGM has many generous donations of clothing, furniture, housewares, hygiene and other items. Help with sorting and organizing so that their residents and guests can “shop” for items they need.
The Salvation Army of North Texas

The Salvation Army of North Texas works to address the startling realities of addiction, homelessness and poverty.
Often referred to as “the army behind The Army,” volunteers play a crucial role in The Salvation Army’s ability to provide quality social services for the North Texas community.
Whether your interest is to volunteer as an individual, family or group they have opportunities for you. View their individual volunteer opportunities and register to help today. Or contact the local Volunteer Specialist listed below to discuss how your group can become involved.
Georgia Viertel, Volunteer Specialist – georgia.viertel@uss.salvationarmy.org
Tarrant Area Food Bank
Tarrant Area Food Bank was founded by a group of Fort Worth residents concerned about hunger in their community. It is now the primary source of donated food for hunger-relief charities and feeding programs in Tarrant and 12 surrounding counties, serving 1 million meals each week.
Get Involved with the Food Bank & Make a Difference
Meals On Wheels of Tarrant County

Due to illness or the blessing of many birthdays, the majority of Meals on Wheels clients can no longer remain at home without assistance. Without its help, many of its clients would be forced into nursing homes or other care facilities. Its goal is to keep its clients in their homes – where they want to be – for as long as possible.
Meal Delivery – Your help is needed to deliver meals to people in need in your neighborhood. Volunteers typically deliver meals only one day per week, Monday-Friday between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Individual and group opportunities are available. Learn more about meal delivery.
Home Visits to Combat Isolation and Loneliness – You can enhance someone’s life by simply being a friend to an elderly or disabled person who may have no visitors. Through the Friend-to-Friend program, you can develop a friendship with a homebound client who may have no other visitors. Best of all, you can do this on your own timeline. Learn more about the Friend-to-Friend program or contact Sarah Drew-Watson at sarah@mealsonwheels.org or 817-258-6426.
Donate an Item(s) – You may make a non-cash or in-kind contribution to Meals on Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County. Below we have provided information and suggestions for commonly donated and much-needed items.