
Unstructured Play and Its Impact on Child Development: Exploring Limb Imbalances, Injury Prevention, and Resilience in Elementary School Children
Kinesiology Master’s student, Lauren Wagner, evaluates the LiiNK Project’s impact on physical imbalances in elementary schools. Researching play’s impact on childhood development sheds light on the emotional and physical benefits of unstructured play in school curricula.

TCU's Kinesiology is Shaping the Future of Physical Activity and Wellness Professionals
With a focus on hands-on learning, TCU’s kinesiology department prepares graduates to excel in various careers related to physical activity and health, like alumnus and new Nike CEO Elliott Hill.

Unique Kinesiology Courses Help Students Balance Academics and Fitness
The Department of Kinesiology's "Physical Education Activity" course helps students balance academic workloads while improving their fitness, fostering well-being and building lifelong healthy habits.

Nigerian Immigrant Health in the U.S.: Kinesiology Student Tackles Overweight and Obesity Challenges
Master’s student Samuel Ayeni examines how lifestyle changes affect the health of Nigerian immigrants in America.

Meet TCU's Largest Ph.D. in Health Sciences Cohort
Help us welcome the largest Ph.D. in Health Sciences cohort in TCU history!

LiiNK Center for Healthy Play Receives Blue Impact Grant from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas
TCU's The LiiNK Project has received a $25,000 Blue Impact grant from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) to support the project’s initiative to increase physical activity through recess in underserved communities.

Exploring the Intersection of Gaming and Fitness
Haylei Scoggins, a second-year Ph.D. in Health Sciences student specializing in Sport & Exercise Psychology, is leading innovative research focused on the exercise behaviors of adult video game players—a population often overlooked in health studies.

TCU Week on NPR's Academic Minute
Texas Christian University researchers will be featured on NPR’s “The Academic Minute” podcast, a prestigious platform that highlights significant academic studies on pressing issues of the day.

Olympic Gold: Expert Analysis of the 100-Meter Finals and More
TCU Kinesiology Chair and world-renowned biomechanist, Peter Weyand, Ph.D., provides a comprehensive analysis of the Olympic Games, helping audiences all over the world delve into the science behind these extraordinary performances.