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white coat ceremony

The junior nursing cohort celebrated their biannual White Coat Ceremony, marking their introduction to clinical labs. Families and friends gathered Jan. 30 to express their pride and support for the students. 

The event included a processional, the donning of white coats and a recessional. It was a meaningful celebration of the dedication and achievements the nursing students have demonstrated over the past two years. 

“While donning the white coat is a sign of a changed role – the white coat is also a powerful symbol of transformation,” said  Suzy Lockwood, Ph.D., MSN, RN, FAAN, associate dean for nursing and nurse anesthesia. “It illustrates the purity of purpose being affirmed in becoming a health professional.” 

Graduating to a white coat marks the beginning of clinical labs for 85 of TCU’s nursing students. During this phase, they enter healthcare facilities to gain hands-on experience and learn how to care for patients in real-world settings. This milestone signals a transformation of status from an “ordinary student” to one studying to become a health professional – a “nurse.” 

Reaching this milestone marks the halfway point for the Class of 2025 nursing cohort. Their next major achievement will be earning their BSN, celebrated during the pinning ceremony in Spring 2025, as they graduate and step into their careers as nurses.