
Traveling Grannies Inspire Students with Global Adventures at 80+
At 81, these best friends have taught TCU students—and the world—that life’s greatest adventures are always just beginning.

Nigerian Immigrant Health in the U.S.: Kinesiology Student Tackles Overweight and Obesity Challenges
Master’s student Samuel Ayeni examines how lifestyle changes affect the health of Nigerian immigrants in America.

From Classroom to Boardroom: A Commitment to the Down Syndrome Community
TCU Occupational Therapy's Grace Franko Barklow’s ’18 passion for supporting individuals with Down syndrome has been a defining aspect of her career and personal journey, leading her to the board of the Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas.

Frogpreneur: Ayleen Garcia
Ayleen Garcia Hernandez ’18 founded Farfalla Therapy, a bilingual speech therapy practice that supports culturally and linguistically diverse families.

Diversity in Nursing Education: Harris College's Taskforce Leads the Way
TCU Nursing’s Diversity in Nursing Education (D.I.N.E.) Taskforce brings awareness to current issues and finds ways to address and encourage personal and collective growth.
A Champion for Immigrant Nurses and Advocacy
Paul Biluan ’22 DNP, APRN, FNP-C is an NCLEX expert, CEO of AspireRN and an advocate for immigrant nurses. He shares his experience with us as we celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month.

Crossing Continents, Cultivating Connections
Nadja Zimmerman ’20 (’23 MSW ’26 Ph.D. in Health Sciences), an international student from Singapore and a Horned Frog twice over, shares her experience with us as we celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month.
Blossoming Compassion: A Cultural Exploration
TCU Nursing’s Jocelyn Montanez ’25 shares her experience as a member of the TCU Vietnamese Student Association (VSA), her involvement in its “Amazing Vietnam: Blossom” performance and her aspirations as a future nurse.

Interprofessional Student Mixer Fosters Unity and Empowerment
This annual event brings together students from Harris College and pre-health majors in TCU’s College of Science & Engineering, providing them with an opportunity to network, build community and leave empowered as future health care professionals.