
Horned Frogs in The News: Chemical Ban Aims to Address Health Inequities
In ‘Nontoxic dry-cleaning: Avoid cancer-causing chemicals while the EPA ban goes into effect,’ Galbadage explains how PERC emissions contaminate indoor air and groundwater, disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations.

TCU Announces Nurse Camp Sessions for Aspiring High School Students
Harris College’s TCU Nursing summer camp returns, offering two sessions. This camp is open to high school juniors and seniors who are interested in learning what a career in nursing is really like.

TCU Nurse Anesthesia Advanced Pain Management Director Honored with Visionary of Medical Education Award
TCU Nurse Anesthesia's Jackie Rowles, DNP, MBA, MA, CRNA, ANP-BC, NSPM-C, FNAP, FAANA, FAAN, received Concierge Health International's inaugural Visionary of Medical Education Award.

Harris Talks Cutting-Edge Advancements in Voice and Neurological Disorder Treatments
Harris Talks is a thought leadership series where our faculty experts tackle pressing questions on current health care topics. We spoke with the Dean of Harris College and Professor in communication sciences and disorders Chris Watts, Ph.D., to explore the latest advancements in the assessment and treatment of voice disorders, Parkinson’s, neurological disorders, laryngeal function and dysphagia.

Harris Talks the Role of Collaboration and Tailored Anesthesia in Health Care
Harris Talks is a thought leadership series where our faculty experts tackle pressing questions on current health care topics. Associate Professor of Professional Practice Casey Crow, DNP, CRNA, explains how collaboration between health care professionals and patient advocates plays a vital role in ensuring personalized, safe and effective care that improves patient outcomes.

Harris Talks How Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants Shape Language Development
Harris Talks is a thought leadership series where our faculty experts tackle pressing questions on current health care topics. Associate Professor Emily Lund, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, sheds light on the unique challenges and strategies involved in supporting literacy development in children who are deaf and hard of hearing.
TCU Nursing Professor Honored with Dementia Education Advocate Award
The James L. West Center for Dementia Care in Fort Worth has presented its Dementia Education Advocate Award to Michelle Kimzey, Ph.D., RN, an associate professor of nursing, honoring her passion and innovative work in dementia care.

From Classroom to Boardroom: A Commitment to the Down Syndrome Community
TCU Occupational Therapy's Grace Franko Barklow’s ’18 passion for supporting individuals with Down syndrome has been a defining aspect of her career and personal journey, leading her to the board of the Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas.

Brett Favre's Diagnosis Raises Questions, TCU Parkinson's Expert Sheds Light
Dean of Harris College and Parkinson’s researcher and expert Chris Watts sheds some light surrounding Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre’s recent Parkinson’s diagnosis.