
OTD Faculty Represents TCU at 'Day at the Capitol'
TCU faculty member Crystal Smith joined 250 occupational therapy professionals at Texas Occupational Therapy Association’s Day at the Capitol to advocate for increased access to OT services. Representing TCU, she emphasized the importance of legislative support for the profession, highlighting efforts to improve healthcare access and licensure portability.

The Student Journey to Transform Lives Through TCU's Groundbreaking OTD Program
TCU’s new Doctor of Occupational Therapy program is poised to make a significant impact on the healthcare landscape by addressing critical gaps in access and specialized care. Student, Sage Gideon, shares what excites her about being in the inaugural cohort.

From Classroom to Boardroom: A Commitment to the Down Syndrome Community
TCU Occupational Therapy's Grace Franko Barklow’s ’18 passion for supporting individuals with Down syndrome has been a defining aspect of her career and personal journey, leading her to the board of the Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas.

Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders in Occupational Therapy
Integrating theory with practice, TCU’s OTD program empowers the next generation of occupational therapists.

Meet TCU's New OTD Program Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
TCU is delighted to welcome Grace Franko Barlow, OTD., to the Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) program.
Meet TCU's New OTD Doctoral Capstone Coordinator
TCU is delighted to welcome Crystal M. Smith, OTD., to the Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) program.

An Occupational Therapy Program is Coming to TCU
The new OTD program will meet a critical need for rehabilitation professionals in the Dallas-Fort Worth region, the state and the nation.