
1997 Reunion: The One With the Video
The speech-language pathology spring cohort of 1997 returned to TCU to celebrate their 25-year reunion. Before graduating, before email, and before social media existed, the cohort created a video. Here’s what they had to say about it.

Frogpreneur: Julissa Iracheta
Julissa Iracheta ’10 (MS ’12), CCC-SLP is a bilingual speech-language pathologist and owner of the private speech and occupational therapy clinic network, Talking Tadpoles.

Rankin Speaker Discusses Psychological Safety in Nursing
Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences hosted Desiree A. Diaz, Ph.D., FNP-BC, CNE, CHSE-A, ANEF, FAAN as part of the W.F. “Tex” and Pauline Curry Rankin Lectureship in Nursing.

Zoota Family Endows Harris College Fund for Parkinson's Awareness
The Zoota family has established a new endowed fund for Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences in support of TCU’s Parkinson’s outreach project, Endeavor Parkinsonology.

1997 Reunion: The One with the Chain Letter
Before graduating, before email and before social media existed, the 1997 cohort created a chain letter where one graduate wrote about what she was doing and then sent it off to the next person. This letter was rotated to keep up with each other.

Frogs Stand Up for Others
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we all underwent critical moments ranging from racial violence and political discord to the pain of losing loved ones. Amidst these difficult times, it is prideful to know that fellow Frogs continue to fight on behalf of others and encourage movements for change.

A College Sweetheart Story
James “Catfish” Glenn ’53 wears two rings: his Cotton Bowl game ring and his wedding ring. James played in the TCU’s 1952 Cotton Bowl game and is married to Judy (Deaton) Glenn ’52, TCU Homecoming Queen and wife of 70 years.

1997 Reunion: The One About Their Lives
The speech-language pathology (SLP) spring cohort of 1997 returned to TCU to celebrate their 25-year reunion. The class reunited with some of their former professors who are still here: Lynn Flahive, M.S., Jennifer Watson, Ph.D., and Irmgard Payne, M.S. ’94, to reminisce.

A Heart for Hearts: A Faculty Spotlight
Dr. Dennis Cheek is the Abell-Hanger Professor of Gerontological Nursing, an endowed faculty appointment within TCU Nursing. Dr. Cheek came to TCU in the fall of 2003, making the fall of 2023 the start of his 20th year with the university.